Funday Monday
- Ships in July, August and September
We’re all familiar with that unrestrained glee, having the long, boring weekend finally over, and now we can embrace a full week of work! Funday Monday, as shown in our photo, beautifully captures the thrill of Monday. It is floriferous (3 branches, 5-7 buds). Ruffled double-banded falls set off a yellow beard amidst a white blaze. An orchid violet inner band nicely complements the neyron rose around the edge. Creamy buff standards are embellished with orchid rose veining. Funday Monday also offers good substance and a soothing scent. Midnight Treat X Vienna Waltz
Type: Tall Bearded (TB)
Color:Cream and Rose
Bloom Season:Mid to Late Season
Height:35.0 inch