Potted Iris for Spring Shipping

Potted Iris for Spring Shipping

Online potted Iris sales have concluded for the year.  We do sell both 4 inch and 1 gallon potted iris at our Bloom Season event each year.   Please see our event page for more information.  Bloom Season Event


For best results, the threat of frost must have already passed and the soil must be soft enough to work.   NOTE:  Recommended delivery for USDA   zones 8a or higher. (AL (southern),   AR  (southern), AZ (southern), CA, GA, LA,   MS, NC, NM (southern), SC, TX) We guarantee our plants to survive the first year. Some varieties need a full year to settle in before producing bloom. For more general information on bloom and care, read our "How to Grow Iris" pages. Roots may even be seen protruding through the pots! This is a sign of plant vigor. For easiest care, simply plant your irises directly in your garden, making sure tops of rhizomes remain exposed. By getting your potted irises in the ground now, you have increased your chances of seeing blooms this year.