How do I care for my Iris Beds?

Keep your Iris beds clean and free of weeds and debris, allowing the tops of the rhizomes to bask in the sun. Bloom stalks should be cut off close to the base after all buds have finished blooming. Healthy green leaves should be left undisturbed all summer, but diseased or brown leaves should be removed. In the fall, trim the leaves to a height of approximately six inches. Remove weeds, leaf debris, grass roots from Iris beds. In regions with especially cold winters, lay winter protection over the rhizomes. We recommend straw, evergreen boughs, or anything that will provide air circulation and insulation against the cold. Remove winter protection in the spring.

During bloom season, spent blooms, as well as spent branches, can be removed carefully to keep your Iris beds looking fresh and colorful. Watch our short video on the proper way to remove spent blooms. Run time 1:18 minutes. Watch another video on deadheading Iris from our friends at Garden Time.