Shop Daylilies
Daylily Sales have ended for this year.
Daylilies are versatile, colorful additions to your landscape design. Well-suited to every situation from the casual gardener looking for a splash of color, to the daylily collector, to the professional landscape designer. So many varieties from which to choose. Plant them into your perennial borders; their blooms provide a welcome mid-summer boost.
Schreiner's Gardens is the exclusive retailer for Bill Maryott's daylilies. We also grow cultivars of other renowned hybridizers.
All daylilies are grown and shipped from our fields here on our Salem, Oregon farm. Please note that daylilies are shipped separately from iris.
Shipping Terms: If your order contains both daylilies and iris, you will receive separate shipments from us at different times due to the fact that they require different shipping environments. Daylily orders are subject to additional shipping and handling fees. To learn more about our shipping terms, click here.
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