Reblooming Iris: Colorful Summer Blossoms
Bearded Iris ship in the summer months of July, August, September. Questions? Contact us.
Take a chance...double your pleasure with rebloom. Beautify your summer
table with bouquets of summer perennials mixed with reblooming Iris!
Remontancy, though, is NOT guaranteed. It is often dependent on
geographic location, climate conditions and cultural practices.
Rebloom may vary from year to year, as well. The varieties pictured below have been registered with the American Iris
Society as having been bred to produce bloom stocks more than once in a
year (first in the spring, and then again in the late summer or fall).
Ben Schreiner introduces us to a handful of reblooming iris in our fields:
TIP: You can sort this list by "Height" to display it in order from the shortest Dwarf Iris to the tallest Tall Bearded Iris.